tiny wilds
Just some wee wildflowers found during a Portola Valley hike.
parsley and roses
Something that I didn’t know until this year is that parsley flowers are incredibly pretty. Last year I planted an Italian parsley plant in a …
up the garden path
At one of our favourite places again: Filoli! We try and get out there regularly, as it changes so much throughout the year. This photo …
purple iris
Are they spectacular things? 🙂
Linaria reticulata “flamenco” to be precise. I was at one of the local nurseries and spotted this rather groovy plant :).
I’m always astounded by how very blue delphinium is. Such a majestic flower :). And it’s still spring, so this blog is all about the …
sunset and oaks
At least, I’m pretty sure these are oak trees. Either way, I love their size and magnificence.
magenta blossoms
No idea what tree these blossoms are on, just that they’re so deeply magenta that I had to take a photo of them.